March 13th, 2013
Last Friday, great night, at Club Dauphine Amsterdam.
I sang 3 songs with the House Band and one of them was my own song ‘Songs Of Beauty’. Check it out!
The day after, Saturday, we had a gig with Ashtraynutz at Goliath shoe store in Rotterdam which was magical and then on Sunday we played at Gigant Apeldoorn! Busy weekend. Ashtraynutz is going places and so am I.

This will be the last update (and the first again since months, sorry!) on this website that was specially designed to go with our CD Time warp. While at it, all, grab your change to get your own copy of this great CD, last ones, on sale, now reduced to Euro 8,00, including postage! You can still place your order at email:
As I was saying, last update, as we are now working on a totally new lay out which will soon be online. For the new lay out I did a photoshoot with the amazing photographer, Erik Sawaya, and I can not wait to share his work with you!
For those who did indeed check out my last update and checked out Thomas Zwijsen’s website (You all did of course), you must have noticed that the guy is still very busy touring with Blaze Bayley so our mutual project, still to come, is temporarily on hold.
As Ashtraynutz is on the go, just as well for now. We have had great gigs and many more to come! Make sure to also get your own City Lights EP! While being busy with Ashtraynutz, going to school and teaching some singing classes I am still working on a few additional songs to record to finish my very first EP. It might sound a bit strange after having released 2 albums but since I am doing this ‘solo’ and it is a total different direction is seems like the right term.
For now, first the new website! And, don’t forget to order your CD before they are all gone!
November 14th, 2012
And back from the USA, directly followed by weeks full with one exam after the other. Why did I enlist for this? One wonders…If you followed any of the FB news you might have noticed we did have two great gigs in Stockbridge, Massachusetts at the notorious Red Lion Inn, way down in their Lion’s Den. Live music, seven days a week! We got to fill in on two most awesome nights. The 2nd evening we played, the place was packed. Randi Craft (local booker), thank you! Glenn’s (and Nicole’s) wedding was a most romantic setting. They made the gods put on a big smile especial for them that day. Happiness all around.
Back to (music) business. I am working on a possible new project with one of my former school mates, from Antwerp Kunst Humaniora, Thomas Zwijsen (Check out his website: Will let you know all about it once the project is sort of happening. We (Ashtraynutz) played at Stiels Haarlem again but, before that, just after we got back home, November 2nd, the Tess & Chiefs gig at Maloe Melo. Again one big party.
Make sure to stay updated…

October 5th, 2012
October 5th
Way behind again on updates here! With all the means of social media, information going back and forth, I tend to forget to update the website.
Here we go, in short:
The “1000 stemmen in Carré” event was awesome. To keep rehearsing just a small part of a big event seems at first very confusing, but once all the pieces of the puzzle fall into place you get to see (listen to) the whole picture.
So on the big day, September 8th, we did get a lot of very positive feedback after the two times we did the performance. It all worked out well and even the weather was on our side. It was great to participate!
The next exiting event, apart of course from working and performing with Ashtraynutz, was being invited to join the Friday evening Jazz night at Club Dauphine. Great musicians, a.o. Roger Happel and Martin Verdonk. I was dead nervous, as usual, and had to start the show by walking down the stairs, singing, wearing new heels. But I survived! Thanks Martijn Roos, I will definitely be visiting Club Dauphine more often. They really go out of their way to organize a great musical happening.
Apart from singing and related music stuff I started school again. Trying to go for my bachelors degree in music management. Another four years as a student. The school year just started so it’s too early to say much about this study. So far, so good and again being confirmed that math, and related subjects, is not my strongest suit. I will have to work around that.
First though, our long anticipated vacation in the USA. Our good friend Glenn Geiger is getting married and we do not want to miss witnessing this for the world! So, that event gave us a great excuse to plan a vacation around. Massachusetts and New York, here we come!
June 4th, 2012
This week is going to be a very exciting week!
My ‘Duizend Stemmen in Carré’ choir is full! 50 people signed up for the choir to sing along with me at the 8th of September in Carré. Before we do the big event in Carre with a thousand people we will do one separate show, just my 50 “peeps” and me. We selected the Sarphatihuis (a nursing home very close to my house). A very suitable location, great building with wonderful acoustics. I’m very curious to see how the residents will react to our show. This week we will be rehearsing and than Friday, June 8th, the big day! We’ll be doing one of my own songs ‘You Love Me’ and 2 of my favorite artist ‘Ella Fitzgerald’. A Guy is a Guy & Take the A Train. Come and see us! I think it’s going to be like something you’ve never seen or heard before!
Something totally different from the above; Last week (the 30th of may) a collab with DJ Louis Bailar was released. It’s a dance/house track called ‘Unable to Speak’. Go check it out on YouTube and soon on iTunes. So far we already have a lot of nice comments on the track.
Other exiting news, we’re working on the first Ashtraynutz live EP. We’ve been recording last week and we’re in the mixing progress at the moment. You can check us out in the Dutch Hitkrant! Our first upcoming gig (with me on the backings) is on the 30th of June @ de Unie in Rotterdam. For all gigs go to:
Stay tuned!
That’s it folks! Hope you all will enjoy your summer to the fullest!
April 9th, 2012
Something new and exciting, see website Together with 24 various other singers (more actually as some are duo’s) I am participating in this interesting vocal project. I am very curious what the composer, Merlijn Twaalfhoven, is going to make of this. Also of course very interested to find who, what kind of nice people, I will be working with. It is quite a challenge. And all this in my hometown, Amsterdam. You must check out the website and stay tuned! Also, while you still can, hop on. If you like to sing and also live in Amsterdam, join! (see instructions on the site)
Well, this is the latest project. Something else, also very exciting, is us, or better still, Ashtraynutz, my twinbrothers band, supporting Chef’Special on tour. So far we “did” Paradiso and Tivoli, coming weekend Oosterpoort Groningen and Nieuwe Oogst Rotterdam. (updates on shows, see the page)
Paradiso to me was very special. We’ve known the place since we were kids. Going to concerts with our parents. Since we are back living in Amsterdam I have been at various parties there. Shortly before our support show there I went to see D’Angelo. It was one of the best shows I had ever seen. The feeling to stand on that very same stage was extremely exciting.
I can hardly wait to go back there on stage with my very own show!
You might have seen the interview in the March NL magazines. (10/20 etc). I did get a lot of very nice reactions after the magazine was distributed.
Last week we, Tess & The Chiefs, were asked by “Swingie” for his next Dordt Rocks episode. It was filmed at the “Zottekot” and I am sure you will all like the end result. We had great fun, you will see why when it’s online.
In between, as always, working on new songs. Some very promising (well, thats my opinion, might not be a shared idea). I am hoping to release an EP sometime before the summer to share with you guys. Follow us!
Twitter: Tess Gaerthe
Facebook: Tess&theChiefs
And, if you are interested in singing lessons/workshops, send an email to
Oh, also check the fan site, updated!
Update on news to follow hopefully sooner than this time.
February 22nd, 2012

November 9th, 2011
In my last news item I did announce we, Dusty and me, would be touring with the “Sas
en Jan theater tour.” Today, November 8th, its very hard to believe its over! We ended the
tour in Carré, just around the corner from where we live. A theater with a long standing
huge reputation. Beautiful building. Amazing acoustics Who would not want to perform
there? It felt great to get up, walk up front and sing my heart out.
“Don’t you remember” by Adele. A great song.
And now, the tour is done. We have seen 24 different theaters. Also very variable
audiences all thru The Netherlands but, overall I would say, very successful and a lot of
fun.Quite some experience too.
Thank you Jan Heemskerk and Saskia Noort for adding us to the show. Thank you Bos
theaterproductions and Peter Heerschop, our director.
And now? Whatever comes next. I will be singing.
Some other great news, my brothers band, Ashtraynutz, is in the finals for the Music
Matters Award. Check the site, December 10th. I will be there for the backing vocals.
Come see us also December 8th at Storing in Haarlem.
Keep track of us via twitter, facebook etc.
July 15th, 2011
Hello all,
Sorry to say I did not get into the Pop Academy so at present very busy to look into
greater things. First of course there is holiday time.
We will al be going to Sziget (Budapest) festival. Should be a lot of fun (and music). Too
bad Amy Whinehouse will not be attending.
Our next T&C gig then will be on our (me and twinbrother Joël) birthday, August 21st, at
Parckpop Ilpendam but before we go you will all have to come and see Ahtraynutz play
at Napa Rui, Zandvoort, July 30th!
Per end of September Dusty and I will be touring with the “Sas en Jan zelfhulptoer”. We
will be playing a few appropriate songs, acoustic, in between their interaction with the
audience. Should be good fun to act as their musical intermezzo. Check out the playlist!
Trailer, with our song “You love me” to be found also on this website.
Keep checking the agenda. See you all in Zandvoort with Ashtraynutz!
February 18th, 2011
All of us in the band are also involved in all kinds of other music related projects. Dusty is busy with his band The Rhythm Chiefs, website to be found under “links”. Joel is working, writing/composing with Jim Barbosa, on his Ashtraynutz project and I have been working on my demo for school with Donovan. To share part of these projects with you we have added the Side Projects section to the Music Page.
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January 16th, 2011
Well, we are already way into the new year. Firstly I would like to thank all the fans that have been buying our CD, Time Warp. We hope listening to it, for all of you, is as much fun as we had making it. Unfortunately we will never be able to use the very same location as Studio Sylvester was burned to the ground just before the end of 2010.
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